viernes, 29 de abril de 2011

School Times!!!

Instructions for your blog 2.
For this second blog, you will write about highschool years.  Choose one of the following options and write about it:
  1. An anecdote (funny, nice scary…)that happened to you and your classmates which you will never forget.
  2. What have you learned in these five years of highschool? Not about the school subjects but about something worthy for your future life.
  3. What would you miss from your highschool once you finish this year?
  4. How would be a perfect day at highschool? What changes would you like to make to your daily rutine? 

28 comentarios:

  1. In this five year of highschool I've learned how to be a better person, I learned to know how to defend myself, not letting other people hurt me. Because of highschool common things like drama,silly problems, white lies and experience with friends I think I´m ready for college in the way that I'm able to real life solving problems by my own without my parent's help. I´m very gratefull with God fot letting me grow up every day more. Highschool is a stage in my life that I'm sure I'll never forget, I consider it the most important step in our lifes.

  2. This hilarious story happened when I was in seventh grade. My best friends always make me laugh and this time wouldn’t be the exception.
    Around 4.30 pm, Glo, Da, Chus, LD, Jo and me still been in the college. The guys decided to make a joke to Josue because he was in the bathroom. They took the Josue’s socks, made a BIG hole on it and put it into the padlock without his permission of course. When Josue saw what they did, he almost “killed” them but we didn’t worry about it because the truth, to saw Josue in this situation was so funny. When we stopped to laugh, he explained that yesterday his mother had given the socks and they were pretty expensive. Da, LD and Chus apologized to him but anyone paid for his socks and Josue threw it away and his mom never knew how the socks disappear.

  3. Well in this five years I have learn a lot of stuffs that I know, that we will help me in the future.. I realize which are true friends and in which people I can trust. In this five years I learn that live goes so fast :( and that sometimes we dont even imagine what things will happen in future.. The highschool make you someone stonger, more intelligent than what I used to be, and it makes me grew up and decide important things of my life, like for example what I an going to study or what I want in the future. Honestly there are things that happened that I will love to forget cause not everything was happiness but maybe without that things I couldnt be who I am rightnow so it was necessary to get bad experiences to grow has a person.. I will miss hischool a lot..! I will miss my friends..!! and without of doubts SAMAGU was part of my life and I will miss it.. :)

  4. This story happened in seventh grade, was a day that there was a concert at school with Baleron, The Guato, Mentados and Johnny man. That day at a time before the concert, was playing a group of students the school was and I remember that Leo and I were sitting in the bleachers of the gym talking and in a moment told me Leo "mae" the drums sounds good and I said yes but it sounded better the bass ... and Leo said me "mae” think I'll learn to play drums! and I said "mae” I think I'll learn to play bass! and we both said we formed a band. And really we did hahaha Leo in ninth year knew to play guitar and I knew play bass and we had a band.
    And then we talked about the concert started was very good and we dance and we mad a great time and it was great!

  5. Well... in my five years in the high school i learn a lot of things in many ways! and i life a lot of funny things so i can´t only choose a topic... one time in seventh grade i was playing with daniel an luis diego in the class of french with a light bulb and que was launching it and in one moment they gave the light bulb and like in slow motion i saw it going to the floor and PUM!!!! and we run a lot looking a broom because the teacher couldn´t know that we broke the light bublb!and i don´t remember why we had to use a ligh bulb in that class but that happened jaja

  6. at this time at school I learned enough to help me for the future and that I will neverforget. this
    time in school has changed as it was. I have come to learn how to be
    a better person dealing with problems. I still have many things
    strive to do more to leave the school proud. my perfect day
    would be a perfect if we enter later to the school and we left early and are haven’t classes. rather not have classes that would be my perfect day
    school. exchange schedule and soda lunch to pass the
    perfect day. When I finish school I will miss. but I see it all the day’s

  7. in this five years I have learn a lot of things... I learn that i have to be so responsable in life because when people is irresponsable have a lot of consequences like in high school when you do something wrong you recive a punishment for it like when you get late to class you have one point less,I learn that the friends are the best thing that will happend in life because you laugh, cry , have fun, have a lot of experiences also you learn to not trust in everybody because you find really mean people that can hurt you... in this five years I study a lot and now Im more intelligent, I have to decided what Im going to study and also to start thinking about who Im going to be in the future...I learn to solve my problems by my own because high school have a lot of drama.. I dont have any regret of what I do in this five years, of course i will miss everything of this high school, my friends.. the teachers who were so special to me and I know that everything wasn't so perfect but I really like it in this way...So I think Im ready to college! (:

  8. I have many memories and many anecdotes do not forget my school, but what makes me laugh most is when he turned the briefcase of Marco and we tied
    I have learned during these 5 years to be a better person and x fend myself not depend on anyone and be prepared for whatever comes in the future and I am capable of many things to I can get
    I will miss when you leave school teachers and good friends that I had over 5 years
    A perfect day at school one day maybe it would not come any teacher and could do whatever we want

  9. Now that I'm in the last year of high school I realized how fortunated I have been because of the experiences I faced that made me a better person.
    Friendship helped me to accept people as they are and finding each person's special value. Also, how to take care of myself and how life pass by so quickly that you have to cherish each moment as the last one.
    When I get into college I will miss going out and having fun because I won’t see many of them so often but I am sure that every single thing was worth it. I met most of them in ninth and tenth grade and each one have a space in my heart and I hope I keep those friendships forever. That experience was a gift of God that mark us. I won’t forget the journey of being in high school. :)

  10. Over time, looking back I can see that all the effort was worthwhile. Each of the experiences, good and bad, will be part of my memory for life. In these five years I have learned to be happy, to mourn, and to be more human, fight for what I want and never give up. At this time, rather than a math or geography lesson, I learned a lesson for life. I found some really great friends who have left their mark on me. I learned to trust people, to dream and to be ready for what the future holds now. Now I’m prepared to live a new phase that I hope will start soon.

  11. In the five years I have learned in this life ever going to see people who are going to want to do damage and some that will become true friends.
    That when people want to hurt us do so in different ways as the remoteness of our real friends by telling lies or trying to control us.
    At this time in high school I could find people you know after we finish high school maybe we will meet to do "alfajores" haha
    I know this will help me to know that in the future choose to friends and know how to get away from them.

  12. There are many anecdotes that I have in my mind but one that I will always remember happened in tenth grade, is when Kari told us she wanted to meet the boy she liked(agu) and then, Dani and I had the idea of telling Dani's friend to introduce us to the boy. Then one day we saw him and we went to the photocopier where he was, and his friends started to mess up with him and then Dani and I realized that his friends were recording that moment and decided to go in that moment, then and we told Kari and after that she changed the idea of meeting him and the three of us always remember what happened that day and we said we’ll never do it again.

  13. In my first year at SAMAGU, I met most of the friends I have right now. In that year a lot of funny, bad, good and strange things happened. Like when my friends and I decided to become a music band, we didn’t know how to play any instruments, the only one was Idania, who used to play the bass. We organized everything, and we began to ask for money to every person we knew, and we made a lot of money, but I don’t remember what happened and we never finished that. Still we LOVE music and we’d like to be part of a band.
    In this 5 years I learned that everybody makes mistakes, even if you did something wrong with somebody you cared about, or when you make the mistake of thinking that somebody’s your friend. But now I’m still learning that nothing is as you want it, and what’s made for you will come in it’s time.
    I will miss to see my friends every morning, and all the experiences we had.
    A perfect day would be if we went to school as in a normal day, and to have the whole classes free, so we could be with our friends.

  14. In these last five years I learned so many things, like that If I want achieve something I have to work and never give up.I have also learned to value each person for what they are because even we are different, all of us are special in our different way. Also I think that this experience to be in the high school is amazing because althought I lived nice and not so nice moments here I lived all of them like if it were the last. I think taht I always remember this phase. (:

  15. In this five years in the highschool I lerned a lot things positive and negative too.
    I`m going to miss a lot of my friends who made my live sometimes funny, crazy and also memorable for example when we were "mosqueteras" we used to sing a lot of songs in the english class (MARIII MAR)...
    And the most important things for me was to learn how to chose my friends and avoid the people that don`t teach me nothing positive at all, and I learned about my mistakes and sometimes was hard for me to accept the differents desitions of my friends although they were right or not...
    I feel bles and proud to study in this higschool and to know the people to I knew :)

  16. once i finish this last year I’m going to miss almost everything like my friends because i know that with the university they aren´t going to have any time to other things because of the studies and it are going to be really hard to see they again and I’m going to miss la soda jaja the gorditas the pizza all this greasy food! I´m going to miss all the stupid things that all the people say and do. sleep in class and do nothing with Hans etc. well I’m going to miss a lot of funny, stupid and nice things and it´s hard to know that this is over and now we have to grow up we want or we don´t but at least we still having some months to be kids for last time in the rest of our life´s so let´s go to enjoy it !!:(

  17. My perfect day at school would start with coming late to school, may be around eight or nine in the morning, the recess have to be longer so I can do more things on them like hang out with my friends, also the subjects shouldn’t be as hard as they are sometimes, they should be easy and not stressful, every day we would have just the easy subjects as physical education, technology lessons or visual arts may be. Also we wouldn’t have to do exams, homework or the daily work because they are very stressful for everybody, teachers would be late after recess and no one would care about how long is my hair or uniform rules in general. Besides nobody would have to go out from school late because is very exhausting, people would go out at two in the afternoon so they can rest, but the most important of my perfect day should be have a very fun time with everyone.

  18. Well, during that time at school I learned many things as values​​, responsibilities, etc ... But the most important thing was being with my friends and the fun moments (and not so funny) that we have passed ... I remember in seventh grade several friends, including jeank, Chavarria, bryan and we tied the backpack of alvaro in one of the trucks that go to the soda, and when the truck was leaving of the highschool was dragging the backpack ... was too funny !!... alvaro then had to rush to retrieve their backpack

  19. My perfect day at highschool would start with coming late to highschool,the recess have to be longer so I can do more things, like to talk with my friends and things like that..In the five years of the highschool I learn a lot of things, like that we meet people that have a lot of things in common with us and I will miss to the highschool my friends and the things that I make with all the people.
    I remember in 9th grade when I arrive to this highschool I love to play soccer and some friends were playing and a shot the ball and broke up a window of a class..haha was very funny

  20. In all this time at highschool I'd learned a lot of things, probably years at highschool are the best in life, sometimes it's so boring, but you always have time to be with your friends, and do what you want. I learned about friendship, there's people that you met in the highschool that now they're so important in your life. If you have problems they will be always there to listen and help you with anything. Time at highschool is just impossible to forget, good moments, bads moments, any moment... Honestly my best 5 years!

  21. 1- I remember one day when I was in seventh grade in the class of music to be exactly, When a friend, I will not say the name, but he threw up in class and thanks to that we had to move to another classroom... I don't know if this story is funny or disgusting but every time I remember that, it makes me laugh.
    2- Well, I feel that thanks to the school I have been a better person, I learned that life is hard but always we have to go ahead and try to achieve our goals.
    3- Definitely, my friends, jokes and free time because as we all know in the university is a little harder to enjoy free time to hang out with friends or just sleep!
    4- Well, I'd like a different schedule, something like go to school from 8 am to 2 pm. I also like not having to wear a uniform and i'd like that the school let the men have long hair ... and don't have to study chemistry!

  22. A perfect day at highschool! Well a cold and rainy day it's nice! Those days when you do anything! Just lose all the lessons, sit at the floor listening to the rain, close your eyes and just relaaax! Talk and talk of things without any importance, eat and eat, remember a lot of good things with your friends! Those are the perfect days! I hope that in this time left there will be a lot of days just like that! I'll miss all those moments spending my time with my friends once this year finish...

  23. Well, in these 5 years I've learned too much, I've been building up myself and my personality trough this institution. I consider this place as my second home even if i don't like it too much because of the hard work and all of that, is were i spend almost the half of the day, 5 days per week. The people that surrounds me, even if they're good or bad people, they've taught me a lot. Now I know that good friends are really hard to find and that they're just a few of them, but they are the ones who really worth your time and your laughs and your sadness, they're the only ones who can stand by your side no matter what. Teachers taught me more than a subject, they're really nice when they want and they can be available to give you advice in case you need it.
    Well, that's just a few of it, but it's very nice to remember all the good times, the parties, the lovers, the changing friendships and some others.

  24. The most things i will miss of these 5 years in high shool will be my friends who lived unforgettable experiences that taught me many things, the many moments when we can´t stop to laughter, wept, all these things marked my life and known these people have a very important place in my heart!I will miss my cheerleading team SAiNTS because it´s more than sport it´s a passion and a learned some many things to helped me in my live, i never forget when sung in the class and the flows about your name,annoy the teachers , those afternoons when we doing nothing, the group JEM, the role plays in English, the partys after the exams, I will miss all about the high school because dured 5 years this place became my second home

  25. once opon a time when i was on fourth grademe and my classmates were at lunch time, and we decided too do something crazy... yhere was a little window across our class so we decided to look behind that window, we were too exited and curious about whats going to be in the other side. we made some speculations, like alines or spaceship... we wanted to see something amazing. so the fun started, we were too small and tha window was far fron the grownd so we ask for aur classmates to lift up while we saw ehats behind the window, when we did we find that bihind that little window was a bathroom and thats is not tha worst thing, in that presice moment there was a women taking a bath so she started to scream and jell to us, we began to run or to hide, we were just disapointed. the women was so angry that she whent to our school and started to complain with the principal, the next thing that happend was that the principal full with angry whent to our class and started to scream and argue... nobody whants to say a single word so she theatend us and the once that didt do it that if we dond confess she was going to expell everybody, so they give her all the names. daniela give mine and macha`s name, so we went to the psycologist and she told us that looking for naked people was wrong and that we were too precocious... the story ends with a long meeating with the principal all the teachers and our parents talking about our punishment and trying to save us from the expell and a two weeks of punishment thanks to my parents. so all this happend for looking behind the window... melany palma

  26. I'm gonna talk about what I will miss of high-school. First of all I'll miss Vanessa, she have been a great support for me and she have treated me just right and also my friends and school mates that they've been there for me the last 4 years. Two very important persons are Mariela and Ana Angelica because they are also my friends even though they are my teacher because they are really specials for me. I'll really miss looking at some spots of the high-school because of the stories that has been trough them, taking in count the memories with my first high-school generation. I'll miss the high-school runaways, the parties, going to a friend's house after class, i'll miss the people with who I've been mean, because i'll miss fight with them. And well life it's gonna be really different since now on, but even though i'm really excited on going to the University, I'm gonna miss high-school.

  27. Well, a perfect day in my high school, one day that we don't have classes, which is a day of games, like a convivence, we can wear particular clothing, and there aren't reports of any kind, we can do whatever we want in games without anyone scold us, have free food when we want, and a complete day, one day we leave too late ....
    In my daily routine I would like to enter later to get more rest, but we go out early, I would like to work with short time and the rests be more large...

  28. In my 5 school years i have passed through many experiences, one wich i remember is when i havent approved chemistry in tenth grade, that was so ugly because ive never been in that situation before, but it were beneficent for my student life. Another experince were in 9th grade, with all the parties, it was so fun and i enjoyed that year so much, but only because of that jeje cause the academic year sucks! Another is when i play with my band in many activities, it had happens many times but i still enjoy it a lot, that is something that full my self. Something that i learned in my scholar years id that i have to be kind with people, not everything in this life is easy, in many ways we are wrong and for seeing the truth you have to open your eyes and see more than your own self, you have to grow up and not in the physical way in the mental way. :) I'm Javier Cascante, i did the work with another count because the mine doesn't work :)
