lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

Money and Wealth

Instructions for your blog

For this first blog, you will write about the role that money plays in our life. Answer the two following questions with your own opinion and using a paragraph format.
a. 1. What would you do if you had a lot of money and how would this change your life?n Explain what would you do
b. Is money so important nowadays? Explain why. Provide arguments to support your position.

26 comentarios:

  1. a. If I had a lot of money, first of all I'll help my parents and because i'm pretty disorganized i'll find someone of confidence to administrate my money. Depending on the money that I have I'll destinate a part for my studies, another for my saves and for living while i'm studing. If I could help people i'll do it for the hospitals and for the most needy families in the country by helping different campaings.

    b. Nowdays money is one of the most important thing in our lifes, sadly the word revolves around money. If a man doesn't have money, he can not survive cause our life is so materialistic.People work for money, nothing is for free. If you don't have money, you can´t buy food, clothe and you can't get a place where to live.

  2. If I had a lot of money, I will use it in my future and my family’s future. I would give money to the people who really need it and I will keep a part in the bank to earn more money and then help more people. I’d probably open a hospital for charity and I will attend everybody who couldn’t pay for medical attention. Also I will create a cheerleading and gymnastics academy to train little girl and boys to become the greatest athletes ever. And if I still have money, I will use it to travel around the world with my family and to buy presents to them, to my friend and to give back favors.
    The money didn’t provide you happiness but it really help! It’s the truth, maybe you need to buy a medicine because you’re sick but if you don’t have money you won’t be able to buy it. The same situation is going to happen with everything. Nowadays nothing is free and you will need money to pay for your food, your rent or your house, your clothes and the transportation. Never you can think the money will bring you the perfect life but if you have a nice family, good values, love and money to life, you will be complete!

  3. a)if I had a lot of money first of all I would help my mom and she has spent much money on me in my education, my personal things and I think if I had money at least you could do is help her, I'd buy a lot the best cell, the best car, would help poor people because if I have the opportunity to have so much money I think it would be nice to help those who do not have that opportunity, and I think that at least would not change anything in my way of being because the money we should not be material change is just something that someday will end.
    b)I think right now the money is one of the most important things these days because everything revolves around money, money is needed to study, eat really need money for all the money is needed and if it is very important so we have to become a professional because all day to day life is becoming more difficult and need the money to survive each day stands out more.

  4. A. If I had a lot of money, I will buy a house in the montain for live in peace, I will give money to people how need it and build houses for people how need a place to live, I will buy only the things that I need for use the money in something usefull.
    B Yes, the money is the base of our cilivilitation, a lot of our traditions have the money in the principal position, today a way to be "happy" is have money, and a lot of people don`t have personality, the personality that they have is based in the money and how much things they have in her pockets or houses!

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. A) If I had a lot of money would try to save it or spend it on something to help me in the future, buy a house and a car that is comfortable enough to live besides a lot of money if it would live my life exchange more easily.
    B) today is not the most important but if you need to live well because if we did not have to live like eating or even how to study, so if it is very important to live well

  7. A-If I had a lot of money would do many things, like buying my favorite team futball, buy a large computer company, buying sports cars, to help my loved ones. This change would make way too different from my life as a person, that would change the family, friends and relatives.

    B-Money is not important if the man is what makes it important in your life because you can have with anything produced by man.

  8. a)If i had a lot of money i would travel around the world and make some donations to poor people, this would change my life because with money we can help people and make whatever we want because somethings we have some limitations because of the money!! i think this could change our perspective about a lot of things!

    b) yes money is very important because nowadays we need money for the most of the things for example almost always we need money for education and healthy!

  9. Maybe if i had a lot of money i wouldn't know what to do, but now that i am poor :( jajaja i wish to buy many things that i have ever wished, like buying a new guitar, an amplificator, games, clothes, a tv, a computer, an ipod... those things are what i would do first but then i will help the people who doesn't have money in the soda, like me right in this moment xD.... and yes the money is so important because without it we cannot live, that is a sad true, we have to use money to eat, to get clothes, and this sounds terrible but for many people it is important for being happy with themselves.... Javier Cascante 11/6

  10. a. I don’t know exactly what would I do, but I think that I would buy a lot of things I always wish I had, like musical instruments, and other things I’ve always wanted.. Maybe it would change my life in the way I live, maybe because I would be more satisfied with material things than how I am now, and I wouldn’t be worried at all about saving all my money, especially when I am one of the people who believe that money is for spending, not for keeping it as decoration.
    b. It’s important for surviving in the material world, like for buying food and a place to live in, but psychologically, it isn’t as important as people see it, as they say ‘’money can’t buy happiness’’, to live great and happy you only need God, love, comprehension and music.

  11. I would invest in companies that help me for the future. Keep it a little
    on the bank and give some to my family. And if it´s a lot I stay at home. I think that I give money for people the really need it.
    Now money is very important because everything depends on money health, food, entertainment, although the money doesn´t give us happiness for us. The happiness is what we really love.

  12. a) If I hada lot of money one part I will probably spend it in clothes and make-up then I will make my own company related with my profession but I will also save a part of that money in the bank, then I will probably help my parents in some stuffs they need to to pay and I really will love to buy a car ♥ that will be really usefull.
    b)Well nowadays money is what moves the world in very sense if you want something you have to pay for it, even with illness and health nothing is free so having a good economic situation could really help you rightnow and in the future thats why is really clever to save your money cause in any time you will see how the money neccessary: for clothes,food,health,education and well for almost everything..! :)

  13. a) if I had a lot of money It would be hard to see in what I would spend that money, but perhaps I would help people with their needs and orphaned children to have an education and a good place to live. This would make an amazing change in my life because I would be happy to have helped those in need.
    b) The money is important because only with it we can buy items that we need to live, but at the same time is not important because the money does not make a difference in the world and that it ends in the ground, remember that money is not everything in life, there are more important things to think about.

  14. c. a. If I could have a lot of money probably would keep one hand to what my studies, other party save and another would use to buy clothes, Converse hahaha, would also give some to my parents to thank them for what they have invested in my education and would also give those who have both the older orphans who have nothing.
    b. Unfortunately today the most important is money because without money you can’t live if it is true that love should be as important but no one can live only for love, because you have to eat and that can’t be achieved with love.

  15. a. Well, it depends. If I were born with money I imagine myself as an spoiled brat, a girl who doesn't like to work or study because she's used to get everything she wants. But in my case, my life it's pretty normal, I have everything I need, but off course my family has gone through very hard times with money, so I think that a person like me or anyone else who've never had lots of money could take more advantage of it.
    If right now I get a lot of money I would pay myself the highschool and soon the university. I would buy a car, or several cars. I would study the career I've always dreamed about in New York City, so then I'll become a New Yorker, one of my biggest goals in life. I would travel all around the world learning new languages and meeting new cultures. I could become a shopaholic person. I would buy my parents a new house and new cars, I would give my grandparents and my aunt and my uncle everything they want. I would pay myself some plastic surgeries and a personal trainer. I would buy a beautiful house with a lot of space for several animals. And I wont lie, I would party hard every night a I get the opportunity to.

    b. Money it's very important, without it you may not be able to study or eat on the right ways or to have a nice house.
    The reason why most of the people study is to get a successful life by getting lots of money. You may have family, you have friends and job mates, but at the end, if you lose all of them, the only way you can survive is with money.
    This evolutionated world makes people believe that without money you are anything, so that's why the competition gets harder, and people have to work harder every day for what they want. Having money is the only way to make my dreams come true.

  16. a)If I would have alot of money, I would travel to some places around the world and then to know many places and people,I would buy a lot of cloths and a house in a very nice place like as a beach or in the mountain. The truth is that my live would be almost perfect...
    b)Today the money is very important in our live because of it, depend a big part of our happiness because we do not eat, do not dress, do not have home, or confortable things without money, this is because I thing the money is very important in our live, it heap us to support our family and our self.

  17. a)If I would have a lot of money, I would do many many things, like travel around the world, I would buy all the clothe that I can, I would have my own car and I would go party every day posible, but in my plans I will include my parents too I would help them with the money also i will think in poor people and Iwould like to make a important donation for them.
    b)Nowdays the money is really important because we need money to survive in this world one example of tha it's that we need money to eat, to go to the doctor in a few words for everything, but we need to remember that the money is not the happiness maybe it would help us to realize about a lot of things but in relationships money doesn't matter if the person really love you, in conclusion we can say that the money is important nowdays but is not the most important thing... (:

  18. a)Well, first If had a lot of money probably I use it to pay my studies, because It would be a good investment for my future. Also, I'll help my parents because my all life they gave me all that I needed and they still doing it.Afterwards, I would save the rest of the money at the bank, and of course I'm going to use some of this money to buy me some things like a car and a house (:.
    b)Nowadays, the money is very important because we need it to live day by day, for example: for food, fares, the gas, conclusion for EVERYTHING. But something that we have to keep in mind is that money doesn't buy our happiness, because although it is important, is not essential... :D

  19. well, if I had a lot of money, I would live in the best place in Escazu or maybe in other country, I would save money for the future, I would go to visit other beautiful places, so if I had tons of money, I would help the people who didn´t have the resourses to have a good live.

    For me nowadays the money is very important but the most important, because is important to be happy in our lives and the money is not the important thing in our lives, so are other reasons to be happy like have a family, have a girlfriend, have a good friends, I didn´t say that the money it´s not important, of corse is important to survive, because without of cash you can´t survive.

  20. A. If I had a lot of money maybe I'd save one fraction of this money in the bank and the other fraction I'd spend it in business for win more money and enjoy it with my family and friends.
    B. At the present time the money is necessary for live, everyone needs money for eat, buy a house, buy clothes or even have fun. Maybe the money isn't the most important thing for live but it's necessary for survive.

  21. Probably, I'd buy a big big house in the beach and a lot of cars! Go to many places and maybe travel around all the world, without have to study or work. I'd give money to poor people. My life would be easily because I don't have to study all the days and I'd have more free time! :P

    Money is so important nowadays because you need money for everything! If you want to buy something you need money, for study you need money too. And in some cases if you get sick you'd need a lot of money too!

  22. If I had a lot of money, the first thing I would do is to save some of it in the bank, an other part of it, I probably spend it buying cloth and some things for myself and the rest I would use it to buy things for my mom or helping her by paying bills and also helping poor people.
    Nowdays money is important, people need it for all kind of things like to pay bills, studies, food,transportation among others. The objetive of studying is to be someone in life, to have a career, to work at something you like, and if you work you will have a salary and it will be used to pay a lot of this things you need but people also need to remember that it isn't the most important thing in life, because it won't buy happiness, the most important thing is to live with what you have and be happy with it. (:

  23. Abigail Esquivel Jaubert:

    *If I had a lot of money I would divide it into three parts. One I would keep in the bank, hoping that this will earn interests to live from. With another part of the money I would open an arts school for low income people.
    *I believe that the development of artistic skills is very important but this area is often left out from government plans. I would use the last part of the money to travel and know places I want to see.
    *While I think that money is not the most important thing in life, it is necessary to survive. Everything has a price: education, food, transportation, etc. Meeting these needs takes money. Still I think that money cannot buy

  24. a.If I have a lot of money the first thing I would do is keep half in the bank to always be sure to have money for something inespected, the second would I do is travel around the world to know new cultures and helping people who most need, third would be to put my own pharmacy and the last one is to create a new academy with the best cheerleading and gymnastics.

    b. Money does not buy happiness, but if it helps to achieve,if you want to have a good life now is necessary to have money because you buy our food and pay our studies and if you die is expensive. Is a sad situation because the human being ambitious and only thing to buy somethings don't need!

  25. If I had a lot of money, I would keep it in the bank for not to spend it all, because I don't like to spend the money, however, I'd like to buy some things that I have always wanted. But if it's for my bike if I spend a lot of money for to be nice.I don't think money will make my life changed because I think myself a humble person, who doesn't think everything in the life is money.
    As I said before, for me money isn't everything, of course is important, but happiness is more important and you cannot buy happiness with money. For many people the money is very important, but for others not so much, logically you need money to live because to do something you use money, but isn't so much the money needs to live.

  26. 1. If I had a lot of money I would travel all around the world. I would get my own place, I would keep studying and I would buy a lot of clothe and 2 cars. I would pay for my friends every time we hang out and I would take my best friends on many trips with me.
    My life would change, mainly because I'm not used to live alone but it could be one of the greatest thing I could do. And it doesn't matter how much money I have I won't change my personality.

    2.For me money it's very important because nowadays without it you can't do many things. Even though many people say that money isn't everything in life I do think that is a very important part of it because a person without anything of money it's hardly happy because it wouldn't have food or a place to live. Happiness it's not on having money because there are lots of people who doesn't have it and they are happy, but I really find hard to find complete happiness without any money.
