jueves, 28 de julio de 2011

Three national days of mourning declared after four students killed in San Ramón
Posted: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 - By Matt Lechuga
Four students died after they were struck by a car during the early morning Wednesday.
Four students were killed Wednesday morning in an accident that occurred in San Rafael de San Ramón, Alajuela, 65 km northwest of San José.
A group of nine senior students from Julio Acosta García High School in San Ramón were hit by a driver in a Toyota Tercel while walking on the side of the road, according to the daily La Nacíon. The newspaper reported that the group had been singing a serenade, a tradition among students in their last year of high school.   
Dennis Méndez, Luis Alonso Solís and Angie Miranda, all 18, died at the scene. A fourth victim identified as 18-year-old Iván Elizondo died at Hospital Mexico. President Laura Chinchilla declared three days of mourning in the afternoon.
A fifth student, identified as 17-year-old Joxiny Hidalgo, remains in critical condition, a spokeswoman for Hospital México said.
The accident occurred at approximately 4 a.m.
The Judicial Investigation took the driver, whose last name is Chavarría, into custody. According to La Nación, Chavarría is a 25-year-old prison guard at La Reforma Prison in Alajuela. He was allegedly driving on a license that expired in 2006, his vehicle had a circulation permit from another automobile, and the car’s vehicle inspection sticker was issued for a motorcycle.

1.      First, you will read the new posted on the blog related to a recent event of four students who were killed by a drunk driver.
2.      When you finish reading answer the following questions as your blog’s comment.

1.      What is your perspective or opinion about this pitiful event?
2.      What is your opinion about Costa Rican’s laws and punishment in regards to drunk drivers? Do they deserve a harder sentence?
3.      As a student of eleventh grade, what suggestions or precautions can you take into account and give to other students when doing these types of activities (serenades) late at night?

24 comentarios:

  1. 1 - seems a most unfortunate thing that has affected the whole country and reflects the neglect on the streets of Costa Rica. They should have more control and more seriously penalize it for the good of all
    2 - as I said this should be considered a subject of interest of all and the punishment should fit the punishment. If they deserve a harsh punishment will learn so
    3 - That so with good intentions and what they do is fun and not drink alcohol or look for sex. Do not walk the streets searching later in safe places.

  2. Bueno a mi me parece el accidente bastante tragico para ellos ya que murieron ademas el conductor borracho no tenia la culpa de echarse los tapis el dia antes para mi que la culpa fue de ellos por andar a esas horas en la calle...:(

    Justin Oguilve C.

  3. wel i think these accident is cause of the two parts both of them are guilty, and it is a terribe accident that could be prevent in so many ways.it is not about the punishment is about tha security in costa rica, the drivers had a expired license and he didn`t have the papers of the car, so we should have some kind of list of all the drivers and their licenses so we can tell when they have to change it and in that moment we can proof if they have all their papers right, so is not about what happends before the accident is what we can do after the accident to protec all the cittivçcens of this country.. we all now that these ours are dangerous so they should behave more carefully and have some responsabke of what they are doing also they should have and adult that take care of them or just stay in a save place... melany palma mora

  4. 1- I think it's very unfortunate that a rash like this cause death and sorrow in families of boys affected. Alcohol consumption in our Costa Rican society is seen as a habit and sometimes a good way, so we must create awareness among people to be more responsible.
    2- Of course, the laws here in Costa Rica should be stronger because if there are not penalties for irresponsible people, we will continue living in the midst of a irresponsible society.
    3- Clearly not consume large amounts of alcohol in these activities, be careful on busy streets and perhaps do a little early activities.

  5. 1-I think it is unfortunate that people fail to understand that if
    consume should not drive because someone always comes to be affected
    2-I think that we should put a more serious law to be maintained and not be changing, if not choose a law soon many people continue to suffer because of irresponsible people

    leonardo ramirez
    3-have to be careful when crossing roads, and be careful of what going to do

  6. I think it was one of the most surprising news for students and parents because the serenades are the most anticipated activities in which only think of fun in this accident unfortunately the students and the driver had some fault because students were in a dark street and the driver seems to have slept.
    The laws about drunk drivers are fine as this would ensure that no more accidents and have no more deaths.
    Maybe be careful when picking up most of all people and all they do with great responsibility and trying to be with an adult when doing this type of event to have a good memory
    Daniela Yesquén Moya

  7. I think that it’s too sad that young people, that are just beginning to live life, are dying because of people who don’t really care about the world around them. Like the conductor, Mr. Chavarria, he wasn’t entirely drunk, but he wasn’t driving carefully, without thinking that he could hurt somebody.
    In my opinion, in Costa Rica, the punishment for bad drivers is not strong enough, especially when the amount they have to pay if they did something wrong is too low. People’s life isn’t that cheap, and there are a huge percentage of people who die because of a car accident.
    When students are doing their serenades, they shouldn’t get out of the place they’re in, because as it’s late at night, first: people can’t see as well as in the day, second: the drunk/crazy drivers are all around. And the idea of the activity is to enjoy and celebrate that is the last year at high school, not to die because they were playing or jumping or whatever and somebody crashed the car against them.

  8. 1-I´m very sad, because that could happen in our school or in our family, it´s disappointing knows how far we've come nowadays
    2. I think that the laws in CR SUCKS, becuase alot of inocent people are in jail because in this country the laws doesn´t apply well and at the same time alot of guilty people are free when they should be in jail. And the traffic police are very corrup and that´s why are drunk drivers in the streets!!
    3.first ask God that protect us and take care of us.. second have people who are not drink and who are responsible, and call all the irresponsible people of the country to be cautious and not just think about them but also in others and the damage it can cause for being so stupid--- stephanie chacon

  9. This tragic event happens for an irresponsible act. The guilty isn’t just the driver because, even he was drunk and his driver’s license had expired (which is illegal and stupid), he never could imagine these students were walking in the street. Another person who was present at the moment of the incident said the teenagers were sitting in the street when this happened. Many things made worse the situation but this could be avoid if the people were more careful.
    The laws in Costa Rica have to be renovated, and the authorities have to apply the laws exactly as it appears in the legislation. People learn when they suffer hard consequences for their acts and a driver will think twice before go out drunk.
    As everybody knows the serenades are a senior year tradition, where people enjoy with their friends and have fun. However, this could be tragic if people don’t think what they do. In my opinion, the best suggestion is to enjoy but with responsibility and never looking for danger.

  10. I think that was an act of irresponsability made by the driver. He mess up the celebration of the eleventh grade students because of his irresponsability. This kind of accidents is happening all over the country and I think this will continued happend if the laws doesn't change.
    People don't care about driving drunks because they know the punish is not as harder as it has to be. Here in Costa Rica those kind of problems doesn't have the correct solution that's why day after day we get informed by the media that it happens and happens again. Punish must be harder so people would think twice before driving in these conditions.
    One of the precautions I think that students would have is to be more carefull at the time of get out of the bus or the place where they are situated. Maybe avoid large amounts of alcohol and get a responsable person by their sides.

  11. I think this act was driver's fault because he was so drunk... He was so irresponsable because his license was expired years ago and he was driving so early in the morning, I know he can't never imagine that the people are going to be sitting at the street but he has to be carefull.
    In Costa Rica the punishment is just a kidding, first becuase they say that every drunk driver is going to jail but finaly they get free for those situation the laws have to be more stronger because we need to stopp this kind of situation we need a change and we need it know.
    I think the students have to be more carefull and think about how danger it could be going out without precaution and not to drink a lot of alcohol in these activities.

  12. Well first it is really really sad that an event like a serenade ended in that way..! also i cant even imagine how much sadness brought those deads to so many families and friends.
    The laws in C.R are like really softs compare for example to the ones in USA thats why people dont respect laws and they dont even care about the consequences of their acts, the drunk drivers deserve more punishment and there should be more control in streets..!
    That try to be organized in the event have a safe place to stay,not get really into trouble and try to enjoy in a healthy way...

  13. I think this kind of situation cause a lot of impact because it shows how irresponsable acts as been drunk and drive keep happening in our contry and how inocent people suffer the consecuences.
    Costa Rican laws and punishment should be harder and more specific because if in this days people don´t understand the gravity of these actions in the future it´d be worst and goverment should be in charge of the security of their citizens.Also it´s important that students take into account of some precautions to avoid this accidents, when doing this kind of activities like choosing a save place for the serenade, don´t get drunk and stay all together.
    Jessica Ramirez =D

  14. I think these events is so tragic like as the death of these guys, because the accident is not a responsibility of them, the drunk driver has a totally responsibility of this tragic event, this show us how danger in our roads.
    this kind of events is not a only cause of accident in roads, the drivers don´t respect The Trafic law.

    Costa Rica's laws are a joke for the society and the drunk drivers do whatever they want, should they have a stronger penalty as going for over 20 years in jail for the crime they have been committed.

    Maybe the driver should have at least one adult to supporting them when they pick up students, for me a good advice is the students should be wait in a save place like a their houses or bus station.

  15. -Many times people do not look at the consequences of their actions and do not see that recklessness may cause harm or a situation that brings much pain to the family of the victims in this case by the recklessness of this driver many families lost loved ones.
    -Punishment for people who drive under the influence of alcohol are very low in this situation people still do try to make laws more severe or harder for these and see that accidents caused by drunk people driving will decrease
    -Do these activities in places that are off the streets, with caution and not drink liquor in these activities, enjoy a healthy way without using any kind of drug that affects our health SERGIO BARQUERO VARGAS

  16. It's pretty overwhelming, they were having such a good time and it ended up so badly. Costa Rican punishments are pretty poor, in general, not only for drunk drivers. The drunk drivers who are guilty should pay their punishments with more than only money. They should pay with a real jail time, depending on the damages they caused, for no less than 4 or 6 months or maybe with some community service for more than 180 hours.
    Well it is supposed that for a serenade you rent a place for a whole night and part of the morning to have some security during the time inside that place. It's always a good choice to bring 1 or 2 people over 18 years to take the responsibility of the students but most important the biggest responsibility it's in our hands, it's important to behave and to take control of our acts and behavior.

  17. It is sad that such activity ended up so because of the recklessness of a driver and the young. It is unfortunate that because of the irresponsibility of one person so many families are suffering at this time.
    I really think that the laws in Costa Rica are not all good, I think it is urgent to reform the penal code and that people who commit such crimes should be punished for negligence and sent to prison for many years. Until we achieve this change nothing will change and irresponsible people will continue to go unpunished.
    First do no serenades so late, in high traffic areas is better to have great caution and don’t drink alcohol while you are picking up everyone. Also wear clothing that can be distinguished clearly in the dark. And finally enjoy all that you can each time, you never know when will be the last. Abigail Esquivel Jaubert.

  18. I think as young people weare in a stage where we want to have fun, however, I think that you can enjoy that a different way, now everyone drinks! and if you do not you get "bored" in this days I think that society considers you different if you stay sober at a party.

    for me the laws are good in Costa Rica, although the boy did not want to kill those guys and is not responsible for them to be in the middle of the street, but we must consider who is responsible for being drunk, if he had not killed they might have killed other people, is responsible for his actions I personally do not blame him for the death of those kids blame him for the irresponsibility of driving while intoxicated
    The first tip is do not drink alcohol, but as this is not possible should do so responsibly. have confidence in yourself and not be swayed by others, do not need to prove anything to anyone because it is bigger satisfaction to set yourself a limit and comply with it.

  19. I think as young people weare in a stage where we want to have fun, however, I think that you can enjoy that a different way, now everyone drinks! and if you do not you get "bored" in this days I think that society considers you different if you stay sober at a party.

    for me the laws are good in Costa Rica, although the boy did not want to kill those guys and is not responsible for them to be in the middle of the street, but we must consider who is responsible for being drunk, if he had not killed they might have killed other people, is responsible for his actions I personally do not blame him for the death of those kids blame him for the irresponsibility of driving while intoxicated
    The first tip is do not drink alcohol, but as this is not possible should do so responsibly. have confidence in yourself and not be swayed by others, do not need to prove anything to anyone because it is bigger satisfaction to set yourself a limit and comply with it. diana cordoba chavarria

  20. 1. What is your perspective or opinion about this pitiful event?
    This is definitely an unfortunate event, losing to four people in a way How tragic. in my view, the blame is not only the driver also the students, it is said that they were sitting on the street late at night.
    2. What is your opinion about Costa Rican’s laws and punishment in regards to drunk drivers? Do they deserve a harder sentence? Do they deserve the harshest punishment? I don't know well about punishments of Costa Rican law regarding drunk drivers, but I think if they should be vary hard.
    3. As a student in eleventh grade, what suggestions or precautions you can take into account and give other students to do such activities (serenade) late at night?
    My advice is that when doing these activities, do it in a safe place, without going outside where is danger, besides that it general these people are not in their correct state.

  21. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  22. 1-It's an unfortunate situation during a serenade it´s lost the life for four young because a driver is irresponsible to have this license expired and are drunk, is hard for her family and friends losing loved ones, they are today but tomorrow it could be someone close to us.
    2-In Costa Rica the law didn´t punishes the people during driver drunk with should be, and for that the people still do this and didn´t care, is necessary to change that because can salve lifes and may prevent future accidents.
    3-When in serenade pick up everyone is necessary to use clothing can see the other people in the night, also be careful with busy streets and not drink alcoholic beverages during that, for all the things we always have our moment.

  23. Well, I think that it was a tragic fact not only for their friends and relatives but also for all the people in Costa Rica because nowdays that kind of accidents happened more than once. Then in my opinion the laws in Costa Rica should be harder becuase they don't punish the drunk drivers how is supposed to be.
    Some of the suggestions that i could bring to another's eleventh graders is to be carefull when they crossing the streets, wait for the bus inside the place where they did the serenade and do not drink but if they do it be with someone who take care of them :D
    Ana Ruth Chavarría Cubero (:

  24. 1. I think it's a very unfortunate event but despite the state it was the driver who caused the accident, the students did not have to be at that time in half a street.
    2. The laws must be modified so that drunk drivers actually pay for the accident cause and q for the next time think more things. I agree that the penalty is harsher.
    3. That should take steps to avoid an accident. If during the activity will be liquor, there must be several seniors caring for others that do not currently have the ability to reason properly.
    Andrea Cambronero Solano
