lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

Importance of Having a Healthy Life

Answer the following questions:
1. How do you keep a healthy life? What do you do and which things do you avoid?
2. Why type  of medicine do you prefer to receive: conventional or alternative medicine? Why? talk about its advantages and disadvantages

3. Which will be your advice or suggestions for taking  the stress out?

27 comentarios:

  1. well you can keep a healthy life by making exercises and eat all the five meals of the day but with healthy food like fruits and vegetables or just take care of the fast food and food with lots of sugar, you should avoid fast food or eating afters meals, also take care of your health like protect yourself of the sun and the rain that can cause serious illnes. conventional i think that this tipe of medicine is alraedy proove that work so this will help you better than the other, but sometimes is not efficient and dondt remove the pain or the illness as fast as the alternative. you have to know that feeling stress is something normal but also you have to be carefull cause sometimes stress can cause you problems in your heath, you have to take time to relax and go out with friends, laught and go to make some exsercise and sleep, when you work to hard for a long time you have to take breaks and do something that relax. melany palma mora

  2. everyone can stay healthy by eating and doing sports to keep your body gets used to a good condition and be stronger and resist disease.
    covencional because we all have become accustomed over time to this for me is the most effective.
    everyone can stop suffering if they stop ocuparce stress with work and other things. and dedicate time to themselves
    leonardo ramirez

  3. I keep a healthy live doing exercise and eting healthy food, because the most import thing of have a healthy life is eting fruits, vegetables and natural things. You need to do a lot of exercise to burn all the fat that yo everyday eat, doing exercise you can eat whatever you want. I prefer the alternative medicine because its more natural and healthy, sometimes things like meditacion or acupulture helps to turn on zones of the brain that helps the body. Generaly for that you need a great focus and not everybody has it. The stress its a mental thing, the most important thing to dont have stress is change our perspective of the life, we would see the life in a new way that makes all the things more simple, because at the end we cant get anything, because everything its from death, the only yours its your happyness.

  4. Well i don´t consume drugs but i eat a lot of no healthy food from the soda xD, sometimes i do exercise but doing excersise alone is so boring so i do it not so often. I prefer to use conventional medicine because i dont believe many things that the old people says, the conventional have the advantage that it is tested by profesionals and is safety to use them, but the alternative sometimes works better than the other so im notdisgusted with them. What i always do for keeping the stress out is doing things the relax and distracts me, like sleeping, playing an instrument, see the sky, go out and feel the wind, and listening to music, but if it is a problem bigger so the better thing to do is taking medicine or going to the psiquiatrist. Javier Cascante

  5. well you can keep a healty life having 5 meals per day but not with fast food and obviously you can't have big meals, you have to avoid eatig pizza, hamburgers, and you have to avoid drinking coca cola and thins like that.
    I think that it depends because in one cases is better alternative than convencional and in another cases is totally diferent but for me in the most of cases convencional is the best because we know this type works because is already proove but sometimes its not enought for the pain.
    I think you can keep your stress out doing excesices like play volleyball and another sports or going out with you friend and the most important having time for yourself and doing all your assignments with time..

  6. For keep a healthy life is important to do regular exercises, eat healthy food such as fruts, vegetables, natural drinks...And you can avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, eating junk food etc ...
    I prefer alternative medicine because it is most effective for me the natural and traditional.
    Conventional medicine is also good but alternative medicine has cured me of many diseases that conventional medicine did not cure.
    Talking about alternative medicine, in macrobiotics can find capsules that reduce the stress on the person and are very effective.
    ...Andrea Cambronero Solano.

  7. Most important for maintaining good health is not using drugs, because if a person is eating well and exercising, this will not be enough if you use drugs.
    I prefer conventional medicine as it is practiced by those with a medical degree, which gives me more confidence.
    But in spite of this, do not say that alternative medicine is bad, because I've also used this type of medicine. So for me the 2 types of medicine are good.
    And for control the stress is good to do some activities where one can entertain and this is forgotten the concerns, or for other case taking medications.
    Diana Córdoba.

  8. yOu can keep a healthy life by Leading an active life because a sedentary lifestyle will only bring inconvenience to our body so we must exercise!!Eat more fruits and vegetables and not smoking or using other drugs avoid eating fatty foods or harming our health eat small amounts five times a day and but don´t stop eating. 2-this depends on our body and the way we apply the method, because I believe, for example, conventional medicine can help most and in a faster way but can often bring side effects in our body, unlike alternative medicine takes longer but sometimes I think these methods are psychological effects depending on the person, 3- simplified lifestyle, for example not let little things affect us, do all time, having very calm and patient, enjoy every good moment, just enjoy life and go quietly.

  9. Everybody needs to make a stop in the daily routine and do things to chill and to be happy. For me, that will be the sports activities such cheerleading, go running and gymnastics. Also I love to spend time with my friends and family. These things help me to be healthy because provide me reasons to be relax and have an amazing life. I always eat my mom’s cooking, which give me a lot of vitamins and energy to keep going and I avoid fast food, alcohol, drugs and a sedentary life.
    I prefer the alternative medicine like natural medicine or even wait until the pain stop without drugs because I feel better when I do this and I think my body will be less contaminated by artificial products. However, it has disadvantages which are you have to wait a few minutes for a result, more than with conventional medicine and it’s more expensive than the other.
    If you want to avoid the tension ad stress the best solution is to keep busy in activities that get you free from the study and personal problems. And try to enjoy the nature and keep a balance in your life.

  10. You can have a healthy life doing exercises at least two or three times for week, also eating healthy food and drinking a lot of water. Not smoking is healthy, too, because is dangerous and I think that is better not to drink alcohol, but some doctors say that is good. I think that conventional medicine is good because is faster but it's made by a lot of chemicals and the alternative is slower but is healthier than conventional. My recommendation for taking the stress out is to listen to music that you like, for me is the best idea. Another way could be watching a movie that you love or tv.
    Daniela Yesquen 11-6

  11. 1-I try to work out as much as I’m able to, when I can I go to the gym, and I always avoid push-ups, I hate to do it. 2-I think that conventional medicine is kind of better than alternative medicine, honestly I’m not sure about what it is, but with what I understood is different ways to treat your illnesses, because alternative medicine is like chemotherapy, is more like hospital-things. 3-My advice is to try to forget what’s causing you the stress and think about things you like and that make you happy, and when you have (real) friends is good to talk with them about it and they might help you.

  12. keeping a healthy life taking with an active lifestyle and don't sedentary, must be eat healthy, don't drink alcoholic beverages and drugs, but there also do exercises

    That depends on two things:the type of person you are and how the body can react because you can say that sometimes conventional medicine is better because it is more effective, while others may believe that the alternative is good for the natural products, as well as of indigenous people who are accustomed to natural products as they have never had medicines like cough syrup, pills.
    my advice or suggestions for taking the stress out is to be tolerant with the work makes and drink tea against stress

  13. I try to have a balanced life in all aspects; I think that both physical and spiritual health are important. To keep a good fitness level I try to exercise a few times a week, while maintaining a balanced diet and going to the doctor regularly. For spiritual health, I try to be happy doing things I like, such as acting, singing, etc...
    I think both types of medicine are good. The conventional is essential for cold or common diseases, but the alternative is very successful when we no longer know what to do.
    To get unstressed I recommend going out of the place you are and breathe for a moment, forget it all, take at least a day off and do that kind of activities you enjoyed. And always smile.
    abigail esquivel

  14. People can keep a healthy life by making exercises to get fit also eating all kind of food but in small amounts, having the five meals and sleeping eight hours a day to keep our body with energy. It's important to avoid some foods that have a lot of sugar and carbohydrates but if you take care of yourself by doing those things eating different types of food won’t be a problem.
    I think that conventional medicine is better than the alternative one, because there is a medical advice and if something happens you can go to the doctor to examinate yourself, but like all things it has disadvantages like second effects from the chemicals of the treatment.
    Some advices for taking the stress out are making activities like yoga, if you like reading, a book is a great idea also going to a place where you can be alone and having a nice experience, and don’t forget about having God and family by your side.

  15. Everybody can keep a healthy life by having a balanced diet, eating everything but in small amounts, also people have to sleep eight hours a day to have energy for the rest of the day Some things that you have to avoid to be healthy are to obviate the kind of foods that have a lot of sugar and those things, also If you want to have a great life you must not smoke and drink beer in high amounts.
    Well, I think that both the conventional and the alternative medicine are good, because the alternative medicine ia a natural medicine and for these reason it's good for our body but sometimes it's not effective, and the conventional medicine it's good because most of the time is effective but the chemicals of the treatment can provoke second effects.
    Some advices for taking the stress out are to take a deep breath, forget for a moment that kind of things that makes you been so stressed, also you can practice that kind of activities that you love to do, ask God for help and be alone for a moment :D

    Ana Ruth Chavarría

  16. I think that a good diet is good for everyone, the one that you can eat a little bit of everything, avoiding the excess of carbohydrates and consuming lots of vegetables and proteins, also making some exercise at least walking on the neighborhood like 30 minutes every 4 or 5 days per week. Having a clean body it's also important, get a shower every day and take care of the personal hygiene.
    I take both of those types of medicine, I use the conventional ones to get some sleeping time, and I also use alternative medicine of natural type for a good development of the digestive system. Both of them are good without to much using, everything without limits will hurt you. But I think there's nothing better than Natural medicine.
    You're not stressed, you're distracted, you should always take in count the good things and stop focusing on the negative sides of the things. Think about the problems, the work and sad stuff will only get you more stressed.


  17. You can keep a healthy life making excercises and eat the five meals of the day, eat like fruits, vegetables and really take care of the fast food like hamburguers, pizza and a lot of others foods and really avoid eating after meals. I like to play soccer and I really like to go the gym to take care of my body and my health.

    I prefer the alternative medicine because its more natural and healthy, but the conventional medicine have the advantage that it´s tested by professionals and really safe.

    In first place the stress is a mental thing and the only advice that I can tell is to make things or activities that get free or feel free about all the problems or things that you have in the head..

    Sergio Barquero Vargas

  18. 1.For a healthy life we must pass on a healthy environment to avoid eating fatty foods and exercise a lot of fruit to avoid excessive alcohol consumption.
    2.En mi opinion la mejor es la medicina alternativa porque es mucho mejor ya que es natural y la convencional es buena pero siempre es mejor lo natural que lo creado en un laboratorio.
    3.the best option for getting stressed to live in peace and remain calm learn to live without bitterness and not caring meaningless problems...
    Monica Espinoza Guevara

  19. I keep healthy working out 4 or 5 times a week. Tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays I work out in high school with the cheerleader team. Saturdays in the morning, I work out in highschool and in the afternoon I go to a special gym to practice gymnastic, also sundays in the morning or mondays in the night I practice my gymnastic. I have a good alimentation and I avoid miss trainings because if I want to be better I have to practice almost all days.

    I prefer conventional medicine because it has a medical support and it's confirmed by scientists that it´s efficient. A disadvantage is that the convencional medicine calm the pain but it doesn't find the reason why is there.

    My advice is to clear you mind, maybe realize a phisical activity to keep your body and mind clear. Do something you like, have hobbies and enjoy them! Don't take the things to serious and try always to keep healthy and be happy. :)

  20. 1.If you want to keep a healty life is so important to eat five times all day, with small portions but a little of everything, drink eight glasses of water a day, exercising at least three times a week, it is avoid high-fat meals, alcohol, sedentary lifestyle and drugs.
    2.I prefer to conventional medicine because have better results and is more confidence to use for than, is this one disadvantages medicine is not as natural as the alternative.
    3.If you want to stress out it's a good idea to listen to relaxing music or doing activities to relax your body and mind

  21. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  22. What you need to do to have a healthy life is not to be sedentary, do exercise and eat healthy, as we have heard many times, add to your daily diet 5 portions of fruit and vegetables will improve your health ... We also need to be being constantly checked by the doctor to make sure our health is in good condition... Natural medicine has many advantages, one of them is that it doesn't contain any type of chemicals... But with all the studies done by scientists to produce medicaments that can help us, I think conventional medicine it's still better than natural medicine...
    Well, to avoid stress is necessary to do the homeworks or other things with time, maybe go for a walk once in a while between the forest, listen to some relaxing music like roots or funk, make some recreational activities like go to camp or go to the beach and learn to enjoy the good things that life give us!

  23. ok first of all you need to have a good diet, because it´s the most important thing to have a healthy life , you need to do some exercise, becuase it reduced the possibility of having some disease, you mustn´t drink alcohol and use drogs!
    well in this case I´d prefer to use a alternative medicine, like the natural, becuase it has more beneficts than the conventional, the conventional has a lot of chemicals and has some secundary effects.The natural has the benefit of not contains chemicals and any secundary effect.
    you might have to be relax , because the stress is so bad for the healthy of the people, so you need to do some activities to relax the brain.!

  24. 1 - To have a healthy life is to have the first vice, no drinking, no smoking or using any drugs. We also have good food, that does not mean a strict diet but a way of eating healthy, exercising regularly, not go to parties very often.
    2 - I prefer alternative medicines because they are less malicious than conventional ones and also because the body becomes dependent on these drugs. In contrast with alternative drugs in the body can react better.
    3 - Do not leave anything for the last minute, relaxing tea, listening to quiet music or doing any activity, exercise or read to clear your mind.
    Anthony Vindas 11-6

  25. 1. How do you keep a healthy life? What do you do and which things do you avoid?
    R / To keep a healthy life are necessary different habits such as exercising daily, eating healthy food, have good personal hygiene, fresh air, to exercise the mind, but in other hand there are things that shouldn't be doing as excessive dieting , exercise, food...

    2. Why type of medicine do you prefer to receive: conventional or alternative medicine? Why? talk about its advantages and disadvantages
    R/ I prefer conventional medicines because they are faster and effective than alternative medicines, but for the fact that they are more effective, are worst, because they use chemicals products that affect our health ..

    3. Which will be your advice or suggestions for taking the stress out?
    R/ My advice is that people should to do outdoor activities, because you can forget all the problems that you have at work or at school, in addition to rest and sleep is another way to relax and to taking out the stress....

    Teacher sorry but I forgot to do the blog and today I remembered... please help me, you know that I'm a reponsible guy and I'm being honest.... Thanks
    Alejandro Corrales

  26. having a healthy life is really really important and what i do to keep it is first having a nice diet and doing exercise every day! i avoid smoking and eating greasy stuffs..!
    i preffer conventional because is like more common and known but i feel really attract by new tecnologis of the non conventional ones...
    to stress out i think that making sports is the best medicine! it makes you relax and clean your mind of worries!

  27. 1' I keep a healthy life eating good healthy things like fruits and vegetables its also good to rest and sleep every day so your body will be healthy.
    2' I preffer conventional because i have heard that they are more effective and work more quickly than the other ones the disadvanyage is that they are not natural at all..
    3 you have to be pacient and live with no worries try to clean your mind like running or having a pet it helps!
