lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

My Expectations for the Future

Answer the following questions:
1. What are your expectations for the future once you finish highschool and receive your diploma?
2. Now that you are about to finish this stage of your life: how would you describe the word HIGHSCHOOL?
3. Send a message to all your classmates or friends in other groups; write something that you want to tell them before you leave.

32 comentarios:

  1. my espectations are... go to a good university and study what i want, and if i dont go to an get a university i will get a job in a call center and win money so i can travel around costa rica and if i can around tha world if i get enough money, but mi principal objetive if study in the UCR. its full of experiences and friends that you will never forget, its a place were you learn to be yoursefl and fight for what you want, is were you got all your memories and were you can find difficulties that make you stronger, and you can find good friends that help you and make you feel happy. i just want to say that highschool would be nothing to me without all of you.. and im very trankfull for all the moments that we have together al the things that we learn together and all the fun taht we have. i love you all and i hope that we can meat in a future and remember all this with a big smile on our faces.. melany palma mora

  2. My expetations for my future are look for a simple way to be happy and know a lot of new things, its go out to find not to browse. Its more exiting dont know what the destiny has for me. Highschool its only one experience more that every person, or most of the person, have to pass. Its not something big, we have to be better persons, and a lot of people that pass ir, are everyday badest. In the highschool nowadays we dont learn, we memorize. And to all my classmates I only wish toi them to much luck.

  3. My expectations for the future are to go to the college and study the career that i like the most, and prosperate with my music and my friends. The world in the highschool is a cool world, you know many people, many friends, and many knowledge, and if you are predisposed you can enjoy this stage. I tell to my friends that i love them and i`ll never forget them, Good luck! Javier Cascante

  4. Well my expectation for the future are start studing in college what i want and finish the career and graduating from college then find a good job and in a distant future have my own family with a husband an childs.
    I can describe my high school in one world WONDERFULL... I learn a lot of things I made a lot friends I realize who was my real friend and who didn't i think the high school make me more mature and i can really say that i love it!
    wel i want to thank all of you for all the moments we stay together for the happy moments the angry moments and the sad moments and really wish you that your dreams came true and a really successfull future..

  5. My expectations for the future are many, but most important is to be a professional in what I like and not what I leave money. Is better to work for love than for the money, because otherwise it would be very unhappy. I want to study art and visual communication, I want to learn to dance more, and I just want to be happy with what i do.
    Highschool -----> for me means a place where I helped to cope with any difficult situation, the affection of the people and the environment that you feel this institution is beautiful.
    The message I would give for my friends is to fight for what they most want to get. We have to think and do not waste your life with services that bring nothing good. To be humble, and when we see a person in a difficult situation, we have to help her, because you never know if later you're going to need of it.
    ...Andrea Cambronero Solano.

  6. I want to prepare well and work hard in college to have a secure future, taking into account that I like what I do.
    for my school is a place full of memories, experiences, sorrows, joys, fights, frustrations, stress, peace, love, friendship, generosity ... and so many other words sum up what it means for my school.
    My friends thank you for all the experiences, thank you for the advice, laughter and wish him well in his future.
    Diana Córdoba.

  7. My expectations are to go to UCR and make a career, be professional and begin to structure the future of my life.2-The school is the stage where we are most of our issues and is the basis for the rest of our lives, school is where you not only learn what we teach in the classroom but also learn from experiences outside the classroom, is where structured general who we are as we are and we what are we will be!3-continue to fulfill their goals, because we all come up here and because we are able to do it and do many more things, never give up and most importantly do not forget who we are and where we came from, never forget this critical stage of our lives and thank all GEN 2011 for being part of this because every one of those who settle are a very important part of this!

  8. I see my future in the UNA, UCR or TEC, studying microbiology, biotechnology or medicine but always doing what I love: to be a cheerleader. I want to go to another country to travel and also to study there. In my case, I really want to enjoy life, go to parties, concerts, trips all over the country and to make my family proud of me.
    To me, high school is a transition from kid to adult; is a stage to make changes, try new things, meet new friends, feel different emotions such love, happiness, sadness, support, solidarity… This experience helps us to mature and discover the reality as it is. It’s also a moment when you seriously think about your expectations and the future. And the high school is the time when you feel disappointed and you fall down, but is the time to stand up and keep going with more energy than before.
    To everybody who stays with me in high school, to the people who shared with me the laugh and the tears, to all of them, THANKS for been part of my life and enjoy with me. Never give up and always try to make your best effort and when the day is dark and you think there’s not choice, just to stay there, remember that the sky is the limit and you are the BEST!!!! Love all of you!!!! God bless everybody!

  9. I want to study something that defines my future but that I really like, I want to have my own house, my own money so I can save it to do a lot of things, like traveling around the world. High school is awful, I really don’t like it, but certainly I learned something in this 5 years, and the only thing I can say that is good from high school is that is where you meet the people who (most of them) will be with you in your future, the people who loved you and cared and care about you, those who make you laugh, that make you smile when you need it and that become a part of your heart and memories. I want to thank everybody who shared with me whatever they shared with me, even though we only shared a smile or a ‘’hi!’’, even if we never talked, whatever the reason was, I appreciate it, and I wish you the best, and hope that we can keep in touch :)

  10. My expectations for the future is go the UCR to study medicine so that can get a grant to go Cuba to specialize in forensic medicine because is what i like for my future
    Now that I leave the highschool I would describe it as a place where found knowledge , profesional professors, frustrations, much work, fatigue, friendship and where one prepares for profesional future
    I want to say meet all proposed and not to leave circumstances stopped them, go with the God hand and say thanks all GEN 2011 because were with me for five years and were in the precious moments of my life and for ever in my heart....Good Luck GEN 2011!!!

  11. When I finish high school, my biggest goal is to start a career in college and of course to become a professional. I want to be an industrial designer and work with a good company or have one of my own.
    I define high school as experience. It is definitely the place where you learn the most. You develop character, live, enjoy, cry, learn to be responsible, work. This is one of the best phases of your life.
    To those who finish this year: thank you. Everything I have achieved would not have been possible without your support. I hope you achieve everything you set out to do. And to those who are still on the way to this goal: strive until the end; you’ll look back and see what you have accomplished. You’ll be proud of what you have achieved.

  12. the las comment its mine.. abigail esquivel jaubert

  13. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  14. I expect that once I finish High school I would enjoy my vacations because this year had been pretty tired and stressful, then going to the university to study the career I want, going to work and saving money for some projects in the future, like buying a car, having my own company or place to live among other things.
    High school had been an experience of growing from a little girl who doesn’t know what to expect of life and that only thinks in passing the year, for a girl who knows what she wants and how things cost in life and only with effort they can happen, also what friendship means, what kind of people are you going to have in your way some of them like rocks in the path that you have to ignore or pass over them to be a better person and to follow your dreams.
    I think that a thank keeps short because each one is special in there one way, and if I had to live this path again it won’t be the same without them, I wish the best to all and remember to don’t give up to your dreams because when something cost the victory is more valuable.

  15. Well, when I finish High school I hope to go to the college that I want and study the career that I love, also in a close future I want to have my own clinic where I would help people and be successful in everything I set out to achieve, and maybe when I finish my career I would like to have my own family.
    High school had been a great experience because although sometimes I have bad moments always that kind of proofs make me grow and be a better person. It was a place where I could find a really good friends and learned a lot of things that day by day help me improve my life.
    Well, now that everything is finishing I would like to tell to everyone that have passed through my life that I really enjoy all the time that we spent together and also if I don't see any of you again I want you to know that I will always keep you in my heart because all of you put a big print in my life :D.

    Ana Ruth Chavarría

  16. My expectations for the future are to continue studying in the university to be a professional and to to be an engineer in systems that it´s what I want to study, if God allows I will have a family and children and I will help them and will educate them since my parents did with me ….
    The HIGSCHOOL means for me the second house, because there are persons called friends who never fail you and if they fail you is because nobody is perfect but with them you learn to live to enjoy and the better thing is that the HIGSCHOOL prepares us for the future and gives us moments that it is necessary to take decisions without the help of our parents and know if actually it is a good decision or not.

    Something that I want to say to them is that thank you for being with me in these difficult moments of my life and thank you very much for being so important in my life

    Sergio Barquero Vargas

  17. Well first of all I really want to win this year without any problems, that's what i need the most right now, then I hope I get into a state university and study economics, gave good grades, change myself from being just a student to a professional and then get a good job, having a good salary, spending money in a intelligent way and get some time to study what I really love. Knowing several parts of the world, meeting new cultures, reading all the books I want, learning all the languages I want. And well, never stop studying, having some more knowledge everyday can not hurt anybody.
    High school, well, it's a good season I guess, I'm just hating it right now but I now that in a future I'll miss it. I think that I learned more with the people than in class, because most of the stuff in class it's forgettable, it depends a lot in the way professors explain, because there are some teachers that are kind of... immature and ignorant that take everything too personal and that's not part of the job of a teacher, the only obligation they have it's to make students feel comfortable during class time and explain in a good way. I think that rules are always necessary but with certain limit, our school regulation it's pretty wild, the no way to show yourself or I don't, there's almost no personal image, it's like we are robotized. The schedules can get you exhausted and the activities too, and the praying, it's just too much. People, well, there are too many backstabbers, friends are just a few. But thanks to the mean and stupid people I've learned a lot, you can get stronger and more careful with the people we'll meet.
    To the classmates, thanks a lot because even though I don't like some things of them and they don't like some things about, we have good days and good times and we will have good serenades :). To the people that are no longer my friends, thanks, you've showed me that there's an explanation of why we're no longer together and it's better that way. And to my friends, you're my family, I love you guys, thanks for keep on the fire of love :)


  18. My principal expectation to my future is to go to the U.S to study publicity. Right now I'm finishing the papers to win a scholarship for 4 years.

    I'll describe the word high school as maybe the most important stage in our lifes. Is where you can discover yourself, express yourself and find your interests.

    To my classmates I want to wish them a lot of luck in their proyects, I know that each of one has the capacity to do what they propone. I also want to thank everybody for this unforgetable 5 years of experiences.

  19. 1.When I have my degree I set my goal is to become a professional, I hope to pursue a career that I like and in which is good, finding a good job.
    2.Now I am about to finish my school years, I realized that the school leaves many lessons and experiences in life but most of all lessons that make one a stronger person and living so many failures and triumphs you realize that it is really worth your effort, so to describe the school with a word I would say q is wisdom, because with these lessons a mature even in a strong and painful in some cases but you learn.
    3.Give thanks to those who made ​​me a better person one way or another and wish him every success in your life...
    Monica Espinoza Guevara 11-6

  20. The question is... will I win this year?? haha that is the hope... my plans for the near future are many however the most important is to start a carrer, at this time I dont really know what I will study, I would like study medice but actually I dont know what I will do...
    Highschool maybe is not the perfect place but in this place I met mi friendes, I did a lot of things that I enjoyed, etc... So High school is a social place in which you learn and meet the people who maybe will be your friends..
    Dear friends I just want to say one thing, thank you for making me spend the best 5 year in my life.. I love girls.. and boys too hahaha... Alejandro Centeno Barrios

  21. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  22. Well, first of all! what I want most now is to graduate from school without any problem, then, my expectations are to go to college and find some work, maybe ...
    Well highschool is a place where you'll learn many things, not only in classrooms but also in the social area, you can learn to relate with others in an appropriate way, and you can learn to distinguish who are your true friends and who are not.
    I want to tell everyone thank you very much for making me as I am now, I remember when I was in seventh grade I was a very immature boy who thought only of himself and not in the feelings of others, that making fun of others and mocked them so much! So that you could say that in the ninth grade I had very few friends, but fortunately that is already past... Now I'm in fifth grade and I've changed some things, so I have to say thanks everyone who give me advices as well as those who at some point stopped talking to me. Only I have to say I love you all very much!

  23. When I finish the high school and get my diploma I'm probably going to start study in the university and study a new language like Italian and English also I would like to visit another country like Italy, Spain, England, Brasil,Peru and others.
    Maybe the word I use to describe the High School could be Stressful because all the time you have to study for been a good student and another word could be friendship because here is where you can find that person who always going to be wiht you in the best and worst moments of your life
    Thank you for all, I never belive that this 5 years could be best of my life, all of you are the best persons that someone could have...
    Daniela Yesquen 11-6!!

  24. 1 - Go to a party! study something I like to have a job that makes money to buy what they want and need my family. Having a family and a home and continue studying what I like to study any language I like Italian or French, and to go on a journey through many places in the world.
    2 - Preparation because we decided a lot of our future and build our character.
    3 - Thanks for everything, good and bad times, being part of my life and such an important part, for being the people who advised me on many occasions. And I want is to live life to the fullest, make the best deciciones. Good luck!

  25. Anthony vindas! sorry I forget the name!

  26. 1. What are your expectations for the future once you finish highschool and receive your diploma?
    R / When I finish highschool and receive my diploma I want to continue studying in college to get my bachelor's degree and begin working at the same time to continue studying to get a master's degree for be a great professional ... I want to study computer engineering at the TEC ...

    2. Now that you are about to finish this stage of your life: how would you describe the word HIGHSCHOOL?
    R/ Highschool for me has been the better stage of my life because here I met a lot of people and learned how to live the life in a different way ... leave highschool behind is something that hurts, but it's part of life, and now comes a new stage for me, that is the university ....

    3. Send a message to all your classmates or friends in other groups; write something that you want to tell them before you leave.
    R / I want to say to all who have been my classmates, thank you very much for all the good times we had and I apologize for my stress that is common in me. Go ahead and never fall and I hope to see them again someday for having a good time remembering old times ....
    Alejandro Corrales

  27. well my expectations for the future are to go to university and study a good carreer. I still thinking like in who i want to become and my priorities but the most important is to start doing something i like also buy a car and start working..! highschool means like the place i learn not only maths and sciences also lessons for life and experiences.
    and i want to say that i enjoy highschool the most and it was an amazing experience that i really like!

  28. In future i want to study medicine because i really like helping people in life, so i know i will have to do it in the best way and try it hard because medicine is really hard but i really will love to become a doctor.
    Highschool for me means like a place of knowledge and of amazing 6 years that i love.
    To my friends and classmates i just want to say that it was nice to share a lot of moments and i wish the best!

  29. my expectations for when you leave school are to continue studying
    to get beat and get a steady job.
    school is a great experience to witness all is something we
    do better.
    thank you for everything and we continue to overcome.
    leonardo ramirez

  30. My expectations are finish high school, rest and of course get in a good college and be a good person in the future. For me high school is the place where you really find out that if you want to do something good you have to work for it, that no matter what happened you always have to get over things and move on, high school is the place where you grow up and you do a lot of stupid things.
    Something I’ll say probably should be thanks for everything, for all the good and bad stuff, to my friends for always be there for me and don’t let me down, also that there I found ones of the most important people in my life. Things are not always gonna be fine but at least the memories stay with you forever. I love them! That’s it!

  31. i want to go the university and studdy what i want, it is medicine, i want to help people, to have good relationship with my family, and have good friends and to be independient. about highschool i think that the first three years were beautiful, the other three years weren't as good as these. i really miss my generation(2010) but i i've known really good people in this generation. it's a good highschool, but some proffessors, doesn't know the reality about highschool. for my friends: i almost don't have really true friends inside the highschool, but during these years my classmates have been really good with me, thanks for all of them, and haters too, God bless them. KRISTA DOBLES UMAÑA

